Ph.D. Candidate (2012.03 ~ )
Lab. of Computer and Communication Security
Div. of Computer and Communication Engineering
Korea University, Anam-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Interasting Topics
Wireless Security
Malware Analysis (Static, Dynamic)
Penestration Testing
Data Mining, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning
Jonghoon Kwon, Jehyun Lee, Taebum Kim, Heejo Lee, "Subgraph-based Metamorphic Malwares Analysis", Int'l Conf. on Internet (ICONI), pp. 855-856, Dec. 2010.
Taebeom Kim, Haemin Park, Hyunchul Jung, Heejo Lee, "Online Detection of Fake Access Points using Received Signal Strengths", IEEE 75th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC) - spring, May. 6. 2012.