Date : 11-08-08
[Seminar] TrueNet: Efficient Fault Localization with Small TCB by Prof. Adrian Perrig (Aug 10, 2:00pm)
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TrueNet: Efficient

Fault Localization with Small TCBSpeaker: Adrian Perrig (Carnegie Mellon University)

Date: Aug 10th, (Wednesday) 2:00pm ~ 3:00pmLocation: Science Library,611 ICP lecture

room, Korea UniversityAbstract:Fault localization (FL) protocols enable a network to

localize specificlinks sabotaging network data delivery, and are recognized as an

essentialmeans to enhancing network availability in face of targeted attacks.However,

theoretically proven lower bounds have shown that secure FLprotocols in the current

network infrastructure inevitably incurprohibitive overhead. We observe the current

limits are due to a lack oftrust relationships among network nodes. We demonstrate

that we can achievemuch higher FL efficiency by leveraging trusted computing

technology todesign a trusted network-layer architecture, TrueNet, with a

minimalTrusted Computing Base (TCB). We intend TrueNet to serve as a case studythat

demonstrates trusted computing''s ability in yielding tangible,measurable, and

significant benefits for secure network protocol designs.Bio:Adrian Perrig is a

Professor in Electrical and Computer Engineering,Engineering and Public Policy, and

Computer Science at Carnegie MellonUniversity. Adrian serves as the technical

director for CarnegieMellon''s Cybersecurity Laboratory (CyLab). He earned his Ph.D.

degreein Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University, and spent threeyears

during his Ph.D. degree at the University of California atBerkeley. He received his

B.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering fromthe Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in

Lausanne (EPFL). Adrian''sresearch revolves around building secure systems and

includes networksecurity, trustworthy computing and security for social networks.

Morespecifically, he is interested in trust establishment, trustworthycode execution

in the presence of malware, and how to design securenext-generation networks. More

information about his research isavailable on Adrian''sweb page.He is a recipient of

the NSF CAREER award in 2004, IBMfaculty fellowships in 2004 and 2005, the Sloan

research fellowship in2006, the Security 7 award in the category of education by

theInformation Security Magazine in 2009, and the Benjamin Richard Teareteaching

award in 2011.Just in case you need it, my photo is available

