Date : 10-05-28
[Seminar] "Building Secure Systems with Software-based Attestation" by Prof. Perrig, CMU (Oct. 7 5pm)
Author : Admin
Views : 3,518
Title: Building Secure Systems with Software-based

AttestationSpeaker: Adrian Perrig, Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon

UniversityDate: Wed., Oct. 7, 5pm~6pm 2009Place: #633, Asan Science building (이학관

633호)Bio:Adrian Perrig is an Associate Professor in Electrical and

ComputerEngineering, Engineering and Public Policy, and Computer Science atCarnegie

Mellon University. Adrian also serves as the technicaldirector for Carnegie Mellon''s

Cybersecurity Laboratory (CyLab) andfor the iCast project. He earned his Ph.D. degree

in ComputerScience from Carnegie Mellon University, and spent three years duringhis

Ph.D. degree at University of California at Berkeley. He receivedhis B.Sc. degree in

Computer Engineering from the Swiss FederalInstitute of Technology in Lausanne

(EPFL). Adrian''s researchinterests revolve around building secure systems and

include Internetsecurity, security for sensor networks and mobile applications,

andtrusted computing. More information about his research is available onAdrian''s

web page.Adrian is a recipient of the NSF CAREER award in 2004, the IBM

facultyfellowship in 2004 and 2005, and the Sloan research fellowship in 2006.