Date : 09-07-31
UT Dallas 유학 관련 정보
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안녕하십니까?저는 University of Texas at Dallas의 전기과에서Graduate Committee Chair로 일하는 이길식 교수입니다. 아래 flyer에서 보시다시피 저희 학교는 High-Tech 도시에 위치하여 산학 활동이 우수한 대학으로 되어 있으며, 미국에서 저희 전기과는 가장 빨리 발전하는 학과 중의 하나로 되어 있습니다. 한국에서 2년을 마치고 저희 대학의 학부로 편입하는 경우 평점이 3.5 이상이면 최소 년간 $1,000 이상의 장학금과 in-state tuition을 내게 됩니다. 정확한 것은 아래 web site를 참조하시기 바람니다. (고려대학교의 학생 중에 미국 유학을 계획하는 학생들이 있다면게시물 하단에 있는 메일로 보내 주시면 감사하겠습니다. 감사합니다.
The University of Texas at DallasDepartment of Electrical Engineering
The University of Texas at Dallas is strategically located within close proximity to the second-largest concentration of high-tech companies in the United States (Dallas Metroplex/Telecom Corridor), as well as UT Southwestern Medical Center, one of the top medical research institutions in the nation. The university actively maintains a synergy with its locale and has developed partnerships with high-tech companies – to provide employment opportunities and co-op programs for UTD students. The UTD Department of Electrical Engineering, in the Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer Science, has research areas in communications speech and signal processing digital systems analog circuits microelectronics and nanoelectronics, optics, optoelectronics lightwave devices and systems and wireless communications and bio- and biomedical engineering. Because of our strong collaborative programs with Dallas-area microelectronics and telecommunications companies and UT Southwestern Medical Center, special emphasis is placed on preparation for research and development positions in these high technology industries, as well as academic positions. The electrical engineering department’s current enrollment including computer engineering, telecommunication, and material science and engineering programs is 979 undergraduate and 651 graduate students with 50+ faculty members. 242 graduate students are supported this year through external research and teaching assistantships and fellowships. Graduate Assistantships in the Department of Electrical Engineering include a full tuition waiver and a stipend starting at $1,650 per month. These assistantships are typically worth more than $45,000 per year (with tuition and overhead). Consider the following:

- Over 600 high-tech firms within a five-mile radius of UTD - Four Nobel Laureates at UT Southwestern Medical School in Dallas with which we have strong collaborative interactions- EE faculty includes a Nobel Laureate (adjunct professor), two members of the National Academy of Engineering, 9 IEEE Fellows, 1 AVS Fellow, and 1 SPIE Fellow.- National Rankings (2006 ASEE Data): 13th : EE – total number of degrees awarded annually (242 degrees) [20th (BSEE), 5th (MSEE), 14th (PhD-EE)] In addition, the EE Department is 7th (MSEE) and 9th (BSEE) ranking for number ofdegrees awarded to women.- EE Department has had significant movement in US News Rankings: 65th (2008/09) from 91st (2004/05) 39th (2008/09) in Public EE Programs - Jonsson School ranks 4th in the United States in combined number of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (BS, MS, PhD) degrees awarded. - $300M was granted to expand the research infrastructure for electrical engineering and computer science and interdisciplinary programs for five years.- New $92 million, state-of-the-art Natural Science and Engineering Research Building, enhancing both the breadth and quality of engineering education and research was opened in the spring 2007.Research funding in the EE Department in 2006 and 2007 was $16.9M and $20.3M, respectively (with the largest PhD program in UTD).

If you are interested in learning more about the graduate programs in the Department of Electrical Engineering, please contact: Prof. Gil Sik Lee (Graduate Committee Chair)Department of Electrical EngineeringThe University of Texas at DallasRichardson, Texas