Date : 16-07-11
[Seminar] Dr.Yu-Seung Kim of Ford Research and Innovation Center
Author : Admin
Views : 3,960
Title - Emerging security issues in automotive industry

Speaker : Yu-Seung Kim, PhD (Ford Research and Innovation Center)
Date : 2016.07.11(Mon) 17:00 ~ 18:30
Location : #202, Woojung CIC Building

Automotive industry is facing unprecedented challenges as the emergence of autonomous vehicle and connected vehicle is around the corner. Security and privacy in vehicle are becoming the most critical factor that guarantees the drivers' and passengers' safety in such a type of vehicle and emerging mobility services. In this talk, the changing security landscape in automotive industry and various attack surfaces in modern vehicles will be reviewed. Recently released vehicle hacks will be also addressed to understand what and how we need to develop to protect vehicles from attacks.

Dr. Yu Seung Kim received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University; his dissertation title is Securing Wi-Fi Access By Using Location-Aware Controls. He is now an Automotive Cybersecurity Research Engineer at the Ford Research and Innovation Center in Palo Alto, CA. His research interest is in the analysis of possible threats in wireless network and the design of novel countermeasures. His PhD work is related to cross-layer jamming attack and security in wireless mesh network. He received BS and MS degrees in Computer Science and Engineering from Korea University as a member of the Computer and Communication Security Lab. His master's thesis was titled Carving Secure Wi-Fi Zones with Defensive Jamming. He also has worked as a senior system software engineer in Telecommunication Network Business, Samsung Electronics.