Date : 18-09-13
20180831 : CSSA - IoTcube Internship results presentation
Author : CSSA
Views : 69
CSSA and IoTcube had an internship program during summer vacation.
The interns presented their research achievement on 31th August at Woojung building #604.
The details are as follows. (Only Korean)

1) IoTcube를 통해 오픈소스블록체인프로젝트(OSBS) 취약점 검증
2) OSBS의 취약점 관련 통계 및 현황 공유
3) SCA 소프트웨어들 중에서 AVAS와 IoTcube의 포지셔닝 등
4) PoC 자동 검출 및 IoTcube API 구현 현황 등