Date : 17-09-21
20171012 : Notice of the 3rd term short seminar in 2017 (KIISC)
Author : CSSA
Views : 118
KIISC* and CSSA are holding a short seminar for using and practicing IoTcube.
(*Korea Institute of Information Security and Cryptology/KIISC, 한국정보보호학회)

* Date : Octb. 12th (Thu.) 10:00 ~ 17:30
* Place : Hana Squre Multimedia room in Korea Univ.
- Participants who want to practice are required their own lap top.
- The lecture are given in Korean.

We will share various knowledge of IoTcube and Software vulnerabilities.
You can see the brochure of this occasion.

If you'd like to join the seminar, please follow the link and register.