Date : 17-09-12
20170912 : Notice of CSSA Seminar 2017 (Ph D. Hongzhe Li)
Author : CSSA
Views : 103
- Title: Verifying code clone vulnerabilities by penetration testing; Real cases on Android devices (Google, LG, Samsung, etc.)
- Date: Sept. 15th (Fri.) 11:00~12:00
- Place: #202, Woojung Building in Korea Univ.

- Summary
In this seminar, it will be presented how to verify code-clone vulnerabilities reported by IoTcube using real case penetration testing
by the comprehensive use of Metasploit framework, exploitDB and wild exploits PoC posting (mostly in Github).
Some of real case exploitation on devices will be revealed including Nexus 7, Samsung S7 and LG G5.

- Speaker: Hongzhe Li
M.S. & Ph.D. in Computer and Communication Security (Korea Univ.)
B.A. in Software Engineering (Harbin Institute of Technology, China)

* Participation : Email to or call +822-3290-4816 (the center)